Monday, June 24, 2013


Since we have had lots of people asking about it here is a recap of what is on the summer schedule...

SAT., JUNE 29TH, 10:30 am - Swim Day and BBQ at Blue Slide Camp
A free BBQ lunch is provided, bring yourselves, towels, sunscreen and bathing suits for the river! No fee to enter. We will be leaving @ 10:30am (sharp!) from 2 locations to car pool up to camp. You can meet at: the church parking lot or 3 corners market in Freshwater. There is a locked gate at the camp so please let us know if you'll be late and we can get you the combo!

There is little/no cell service at camp so call ahead of time!
Please RSVP on the MOPS and Beyond facebook page or with so we can get a head count for food!
THURSDAY, JULY 11TH, 11am - Fort Humboldt - Bring a kite!
This is another free event. Drive up the hill to Fort Humboldt. There are picnic tables that we can sit and eat at, and always just enough breeze to fly a kite!

THURSDAY, JULY 25TH, 10:30am - Swimming at Freshwater Park.
There is a $5 fee per vehicle to enter the park. We can carpool if we meet at the church ahead of time!

THURSDAY, AUG 1ST, 10:30 am - Ice Cream Social at Rohner Park
Free event! Bring yourselves and a picnic, and we will provide the ice cream! Maybe some sunscreen since Fortuna is so warm ;-)

THURSDAY, AUG 8TH, 10:30 am - Moonstone Beach.
Great beach to skim board at! Bring towels and sunscreen and maybe even life-vests for those who aren't strong swimmers! Great beach for families :-)

THURSDAY, AUG 15TH, 10:30 am - Berry Picking at Wolfsen Farms, bring $ to pay for your blueberries or just come and hang with us and eat some! Blueberries are about $4/pound. The blueberries are organic!

Questions contact SARAH WELTSCH 834-0937

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