Thursday, March 21, 2013


Ok, so the swap took WAY to long, the tags fell off items and there were problems last time but we love the swap, the swap is fun and we know we can do it and make it even better, we just needed to make a few changes.  So here is how it will go...

1. When you get here get a number card from Joelle.  DO NOT LOOSE your number (or at least remember your number!)

2. Then drop your stuff off and pre-browse.  Find the stuff your REALLY want and remember where it is (maybe even make a list of what you want.)

3. When the swap begins Joelle will call numbers, and the people with those numbers will have 5 minutes to grab the 3 items they want most.

4. Once everyone has had a chance to get their 3 items then the swap is open and you can take whatever you want.  It will be first come first serve.  If two people grab for the same thing at the same time then you two will have to work it out some how (even if it is rock, paper, scissors).

Also you are responsible for paying attention.  If Joelle calls your number and you miss it, then you will miss out.  You will only be given the 5 minutes you are allotted.  If you miss your number you will have to wait until the end of the swap, so PAY ATTENTION!

If you have any questions about the swap please contact Joelle. 

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