Thursday, January 17, 2013


We had a great MOPS meeting today! 
First up was newly graduated nurse Kesslyn Martin, who was here to share a few little things you can do to help keep your family healthy this year. 

#1. Wash your hands FREQUENTLY.  Weather it is hot, cold or warm water doesn't matter as much as  the friction created by rubbing your hands.  Antibacterial soap is good, but any soap will do.
     One school did an experiment.  They had the children wash their hands when they got to school,
     before and after lunch and before going home.  The results were the absentees due to illness
     dropped by 50%!

#2. Get a flu shot ASAP.  It takes the flu shot about 2 weeks to be effective so don't wait until flu season to get your shot.  The flu shot is made using the dead virus, it will not make you sick (unless you have an extreme egg allergy).  People who get sick days after getting the shot usually were exposed to the virus before getting the shot.  Children 6-8 months old should be vaccinated twice to help boost the effectiveness of the shot (shots should be spaced a 4-8 weeks apart, check with your doctor).

#3. Keep surfaces clean.  Cellphones, door handles, light switches...anything you touch often should be sprayed with a disinfectant spray like Lysol.  Heavy traffic areas like door handles should be sprayed heavily until saturated and then let dry.  Items like the hand towels used to dry your hands should be washed DAILY!

#4.  Exercise & Hydration.  Exercising and drinking water helps boost your immune system.

Bethany shared with us ways to keep the Sabbath, and finding rest in a busy life. 
Today's scripture was from Matthew 11:28-30, and it says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."  Today we heard about how Bethany and her family sets aside a day (Saturday) for the Sabbath (The Sabbath is a day set aside to rest and worship).  They light a candle on Friday night and from sundown on Friday until sundown on Saturday they spend time together, worship and try NOT to get caught up in the distractions of life (like watching TV, doing dishes, or cleaning.) and just having some quiet time for reflection.  So try to find time to rest this year because a time of rest is a gift from God!
The question she posed to us today was...When do you feel rest?  Do you take time to let go and embrace health through rest?  Take time today and reflect on your answer.

Then Lainie shared some of her favorite "make it at home" cleaning products. (recipes below)

Liquid Laundry Detergent (For High Efficiency Washers)
2 cups Borax Natural Laundry Boost (This can be found in the laundry soap aisle)
2 cups Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (NOT BAKING SODA)
1 bar of Fels-Naptha Soap, a stain removing laundry soap (ANY bar of soap like Ivory or       
Dove will work, but we like the extra stain-fighting in this one)
Water (about 5 gallons)
Scented oil of your choice (optional)
5 gallon bucket
Empty laundry detergent bottles

1. Grate your bar of soap with a cheese grater.  (Careful, the Fels-Naptha soap really looks like cheddar cheese--kids will want to eat it!)
2. Put the grated soap in a sauce pan with 6 cups of water.  Heat soap and water until soap melts.
3. Add Washing Soda and Borax and stir until dissolved.  Remove from heat.
4. Pour 1 gallon hot water into your 5 gallon bucket.  Add your soap mixture and stir well.  Add about 3 ½ gallons of hot water into the bucket and stir again.  Add about 2 teaspoons of your scented oil now if you choose to use essential oil.  Add just enough until it smells good to you.
5. Pour the liquid mixture into your empty bottles*.  Let the mixture sit for about 24 hours.  It will thicken to almost a gel.  Shake your bottles well before each use.  Use ½ cup of detergent for large loads.
* You can leave it in the bucket, but it will be a little more difficult to use. Mix well with a large wooden spoon before each use.

4 lbs. 12 oz box Borax Laundry Boost
4 lbs. box of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (NOT BAKING SODA) 
3 lbs. 7 oz box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda (ALSO NOT BAKING SODA)
3 bars of Fels-Naptha Soap, Shredded (or 2 bars of Zote)
3.5 lbs. Oxy Clean

1. Line a trash can or container with a trash bag.
2. Combine all ingredients in the bag.
3. Close up bag tightly and give a good shake to mix thoroughly.
4. Use 1-2 tablespoons per load.  I know that doesn’t seem like enough but this recipe does not have fillers like the store bought detergent so you don’t need as much. 
* This detergent is fairly mild smelling, if you love a strong scent you may want to add laundry crystals to each load.

10 cups water
¼ cup lemon juice
1 cup hydrogen peroxide

Mix. Add 2 cups per wash load or put in spray bottle and us as a household cleaner.

14 oz. witch hazel
15 drops of citronella essential oil
15 drops of lemongrass essential oil
10-12 drops of scented essential oil … peppermint, lavender, cedar wood, tee tree oil or 
     geranium (tick protection)

1. Pour witch hazel into glass jar.
2. Add in citronella and lemongrass oil.
3. Add in your choice of scent essential oil.  (Liquid will become cloudy)
4. Shake vigorously to mix.
5. Pour into spray bottle.
6. Add a label.
*Some children may have an allergic reaction to certain essential oils so teas in a small area first.  Do not spray in face or get in eyes.

¼ cup diaper rash cream (I recommend Desitin maximum strength)
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon cocoa butter
1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
1 teaspoon beeswax
1 teaspoon sesame oil
5-10 drops of lavender essential oil (optional)

1. Put all the ingredients in a glass bowl set on top of a pan of boiling water and melt all the ingredients together.
2. Allow mixture to cool.
3. Add your favorite essential oil (if desired).  Just make sure to avoid any of the citrus oils, as they can cause burning.
4. Store in a cool, dry place or in the fridge.
The higher the amount of zinc oxide in the diaper cream the higher the SPF. 
40% zinc oxide=30SPF

6 cups water
3 cups white vinegar
2 cups hair conditioner

1. Mix water, vinegar and conditioner in a container.  Do not shake it; it will cause foaming.
2. Us the same amount you normally use in a rinse cycle or spray it on a washcloth and toss it in the dryer.
*Make reusable dryer sheets by soaking washcloths in mixture, wringing them out well and hang then hang up to dry.  Just toss in the dryer like a regular sheet.  These will last through multiple loads and won’t clog up your lint trap.

2 four quart plastic containers with lids (round or square, about 8 inches high)
Bounty select-a-size super roll paper towels
2 ½ cups hot water
2 tablespoons baby wash
2 tablespoons baby oil
4 drops tea tree oil

1. Using a serrated knife cut the paper towel roll in half.
2. Place into containers cut side down.
3. Mix baby wash, baby oil, tea tree oil and hot water in container. 
4. Pour mixture over towels.
5. Cover containers with lids and turn upside down.  Wait 5 minutes or so.
6. Remove cardboard centers.  Pull wipes from the center.
7. Store in a cool area out of direct sunlight.

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